name :            Nikolay  BAKARDZHIEV

    sign :             Virgo and Tiger /Chinese calendar/

    degree :          IV dan /black belt/

    post :            President and General Instructor in Taekwon-Do Club "BAGATUR"


            As a teenager, I was used to practice swimming, judo, parachutism, and athletics. In 1984 I won first place in ‘long jump’ discipline in the town tournament.

            I have been practicing Taekwon-Do in the Eastern Martial Arts Club “Te Kyon” in the town of Stara Zagora since 1988, under the guidance of Gencho Ivanov  III degree black belt and Kim Ung Chol  VIII degree black belt. I joined the Bulgarian national team in 1990, when I was a vice-champion of Bulgaria, and in 1991, I was a republican champion. I have been training my own groups since 1990 in the Eastern Martial Arts Club “Tae Kyon”. In 1991 I defended  I degree black belt in the presence of Kim Ung Chol VIII degree black belt /BU-1-95/ and passed successfully a seminar towards the Bulgarian Taekwon-Do Federation, obtaining the title “Republican judge”.

            In 1994, I defended II degree black belt in the presence of Sok Min Chol – VII degree black belt /BU-2-51/.

            In 1995, I established Sport Club “BAGATUR” and I became its senior instructor.

            In 1998, I defended III degree black belt in the presence of Sok Min Chol – VII degree black belt /BU-3-24/. 

            In 1999, I was appointed as a representative and coordinator of the Bulgarian Taekwon-Do Federation - ITF for central Bulgaria.

            From 2000, I am a member of the Judge Committee of BTF-ITF.

            In 2002, I successfully passed the test for IV degree in front of a board of examiners with chairman Kim Ung Chol VIII degree.

2003 - European Championship - Koshtice, Slovakia:

    - 2nd place tull up to IV degree;

    - 1st place sparring Male team;

    - 3rd place tull Male team;

    - 3rd place power test Male team;

    - 3rd place special technique Male team;

2003 - World Championship - Thessaloniki, Greece:

    - 3rd place sparring Male team;

     49-ти в годишната класация - "Топ 100 Най-добри спортисти на България за 2003г.";

        От 1990г. ръководи самостоятелни групи и е провеждал тренировки по Таекуон-До в Стара Загора, с.Бял Извор (Старозагорско), Свищов, Пловдив, Чирпан, Варна, Бургас, Панагюрище, Сливен и др.

        През 2005г. става един от учредителите на Българската Федерация по Традиционно Таекуон-До (БФТТ). От същата година е технически директор на тази федерация.


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