Whats is a grading?
Grading is a test whereby an examiner judges a student's proficiency in his technical performance and theoretical knowledge. This is also an assessment of a candidat's charter as a Taekwon-Do artist.
Points are awarded and the students will be promoted or demoted accordingly.
In various countries and schools, different terms are used instead of the word "grading". Some of the more common names are "Test", "Grading test", "Examination", etc.
Who is qualified to grade?
Only the 4th degree black-belt and above who have successfully completed the 5-week International Instructor and Examiner's Course conducted by the International Taekwon-Do Federation are qualified to grade. As a rule, the grading power is awarded to each examiner according to his degree as follows:-
4th and 5th degree black-belt may grade up to 2nd degree;
6th degree black-belt may grade up to 3th degree;
Only the promotion committee of ITF can grade 4th to 8th degree
Note: It is a mistake to think that all 4th degree holders and above can grade. Those who have not completed the above mentioned course conducted by the ITF are not allowed to grade.
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