/Do Bok/
Taekwon-Do was thus named to distinguish its technique, philosophical system, spiritual foundation and rules of competition from other oriental martial arts. For the same reason, we have a uniform unique to Taekwon-Do.
The do bok is considered a primary necessity in both training and tournament for the following reasons:
1. The wearing of the do bok should instill pride in the student as a practitioner of Taekwon-Do.
2. It identifies the degree of skill and cultural education in Taekwon-Do that the individual has attained.
3. The style of the do bok is symbolic of Taekwon-Do heritage and tradition.
4. Grade and degree changes indicated by belt colour create incentive while simultaneously preserving humility.
5. The do bok is extremely practical and healthy.
6. The official do bok distinguishes orthodox Taekwon-Do from its imitators.
The do bok consists of a shirt, pants and belt made of a synthetic material, tetron mixed with cotton.
The shirt and pants must be white in color to symbolize the traditional color of the Korean costume. Superfluous frills, piping, lettering and designs are not permissible.
Black piping 3 cm wide around the edge of the shirt is worn only by the black belt holder.
An international instructor is distinguished by black stripes three centimeters wide on both sides of the shirt and pants.
Основната цел на колана в това изкуство за самоотбрана е да представи философското значение на практикуващия Таекуон-До, а също да отличи ранговете.
Поради това на специално събрание на Управителния Съвет на Международната Таекуон-До Федерация /ITF/, проведено на 1.VII.1985г., беше решено колана да се увива около кръста само веднъж вместо два пъти, както преди се е практикувало.
Един или "ИЛ" /като 1 кръг/ символизира:
"О до ил коан" - "Преследвай винаги набелязаната цел!"
"Ил пьон дан сим" - "Служи на майстора с непоколебима лоялност!"
"Ил кьок пил сун" - "Печели победата с един удар!"
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